Bowel surgery…

It’s Greg here, Traceys husband, for those that don’t know. Tracey was keen for me to update her blog with what’s been happening lately as she hasn’t really been well enough to post unfortunately.

Since about November Tracey started having issues with her digestive system. She would get really bad cramps and get sick. 2 weeks ago she got pretty sick and a CT scan on Sunday 6th May showed her bowel was being blocked and that surgery would be required to fix this.

Tracey was more worried about having and NG tube put into her stomach via a tube in her nose than the actual surgery. It’s a horrible procedure to get done but after a lot of tears and vomiting the tube was put down her throat via her nose and she got used it being there eventually.

The surgeon stated that surgery could be quite difficult due to her previous treatment side effects (scarring, adhesions etc) and that it was possible she may end up with a colostomy bag or in the worst case scenario they wouldn’t be able to do anything and she’d be fed liquids through a tube for the rest of her life. It was scary hearing all of this!

Tracey underwent surgery on Wednesday 9th May and fortunately it went better than expected. The blockage was removed, as was 10cm of her small bowel, and she doesnt need a colostomy bag. The surgeon expected the operation to take over 8 hours and he was finished in around 3 hours which was brilliant. These guys aren’t paid enough!

Tracey is now recovering in HDU in Ninewells. She’ll hopefully be home at the end of this week depending on how quickly she recovers. Can’t wait to get her back on her feet…!

We will be raising money for Tracey to get treatment at a private oncology clinic in Germany. They specialise in immunotherapy and this kind of treatment has had lots of success with Traceys type of cancer. I will post the Gofundme page link here once it is up and running. We understand times are hard for people at the minute but would urge you to donate anything you can to help us raise money to treat her.



3 thoughts on “Bowel surgery…

  1. It’s no fair what she’s going through so I’ll definitely get involved in fund raising. My work does events for charity; dress down day, raffle, quiz etc I’ll ask for Tracey’s fund to be the next cause.

    Sending you both loads of luck, well wishes and love xx


  2. Hi Greg. Hope Tracey will feel better soon so she can get home. Sending healing as always to you both. Keep strong hugs🙏💙💖❤️💞


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